Two of my favorite quotes are related:
We all live under the same sky, but don’t all have the same horizon
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step
And… my new favorite hobby is golfing. I love golfing on Willie Nelson’s Cut & Putt with my friend, our dogs, and loud country music. You may think “well that was random…” but it really isn’t.
In golf you must focus, train, and practice your “Long Game” which is your overall plan… the direction you are going… getting to the hole on the green. The Long Game is the strategy or destination. But you must also focus and practice the “Short Game” which are the tactics or steps to get there, the shorter shots.
Hmmm… still wondering how it relates? The Long Game in life is your GPS setting. D3 Summit helps with the Long Game where you discover your Purpose. Where are you going? This is your horizon. At the same time, you must focus on the present… these are the steps in the thousand-mile journey. D2 Ascent offers tools for the Short Game… for the steps in the journey.
What is your horizon? What is your GPS setting? (Long Game)
Where do you want to go? What are you passionate about? You are uniquely created and equipped to make a difference in the world. When you touch one life, you touch all those lives that life touches. One must look up from their toes or the cell phone screen to find their horizon. My favorite book that helped me discover my purpose is Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
What are your next steps? (Short Game)
Consider… what does your future “Best Self” look like? What are the steps, tools, or tactics you need to do now, to step toward that future “Best Self?”
Playing the game of life well means playing both the Short and Long Game well.
It takes:
Intention: Time and focus to search
Comfort Zone: Stepping out of your comfort zone where growth happens
The Past: Not dwelling on the past but looking back to learn from it. What do you need to hang on to and what do you need to let go? What is serving you well and what is not? Like looking at replays of an athletic game.
Voices / Messages: Listening to the voices in your mind and determining which ones apply and serve you well.
Safari Njema! I was raised in East Africa. This is Swahili for Journey Well
- Cinda